1961 – 1963 e 1970 Rolando Rigamonti
Full Professor of Industrial Chemistry at the Politecnico di Torino, then emeritus, he was Rector at the same university from 1970 to 1981.
Member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino since 1951 Full Professor of Industrial Chemistry at the Politecnico di Torino, then emeritus, he was Rector at the same university from 1970 to 1981.
Academic of the Turin Academy of Sciences since 1951
1964 – 1969 Antonio Montefredine
He graduated in Chemistry in 1926 from the University of Rome, in 1930 he became director of the Chemical Laboratory of the Provincial Hygiene and Prophylaxis Laboratory of Pescara; he obtained a degree in Natural Sciences in 1939 and in 1940 a degree in Pharmacy, he was a lecturer in Agricultural Industries (1942) and Bromatology (1956) at the Universities of Milan, Bologna and Perugia, and finally in Canning Technique at the University of Pescara. In 1963, he was elected President of the National Association of Chemists of the Provincial Hygiene Laboratories, was President of the Italian Society for the Study of Fatty Substances, worked on olive pomace and on UV spectrophotometry and gas chromatography applied to olive oils.
1971-1972 Umberto Pallotta
Graduated in Chemistry from the University of Rome in 1946, in the same year he was a researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Rome and at the Experimental Agrarian Chemistry Station in Rome, he was a lecturer in General Chemistry at the University of Sassari (1954) and a tenured assistant at the same University (1956).
In 1959, he was awarded a professorship in General Chemistry at the University of Bologna (1959) where he was subsequently professor in charge of Agricultural Industries (1963), since 1964 full professor of Agricultural Industries and since 1997 professor emeritus.
For many years director of the Institute of Agricultural Industries at the University of Bologna. prof. Pallotta had a particular passion for all applied analytical techniques, especially the chromatographic type, with a particular predilection for gas chromatography, an analytical technique that at that time was having a very important turning point with the introduction of the flame ionisation detector; he then founded the Centre for Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, the direction of which was assigned to Prof. Capella and the direction of the laboratory to Prof. Angelo G. Giumanini.
In the course of his life, he has received various awards: Scientific Research Award and the 'Grappolo d'Oro' from the Associazione Enotecnici Italiani. 'ProfessorDalmasso' award from the Enoteca Italiana di Siena. Medaille Chevreul of the Association Francaise pur l'Etude de Corps Gras (1976), Gold Medal of the President of the Republic for Merit in School, Culture and Art (1982), Gold Medal Professor Fachini of the Italian Association for the Study of Fatty Substances (1985). Pascal-Biotech Gold Medal, on the centenary of Luigi Pasteur's death; in 1992, the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Ancona conferred on Professor Pallotta the Laurea Honoris Causa in Agricultural Sciences.
1973-1974 Rodolfo Paoletti
A world-renowned pharmacologist and lecturer at the State University of Milan, where he founded and directed the Institute of Pharmacological Sciences from 1970 to 2000, later serving as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy from 1982 to 2000 and from 2003 to 2006, and as Director of the Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences from 2001 to 2003. A central figure in Italian and world pharmacology, Professor Paoletti has held important and prestigious positions in his long scientific career. Among others, he has been Italy's representative in the NATO Scientific Council in Brussels, president of the Federation of European Societies of Pharmacology, the International Atherosclerosis Society and the Italian Society of Toxicology, as well as a consultant to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Albania in the field of drug therapy. He was also a member of the National Committee for Bioethics, the National Committee for Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases and the Single Drug Commission.
1975-1976 De Leonardis
1977 – 1978 Pompeo Capella
After graduating in Chemistry, with an experimental thesis discussed with Professor Jacini, he worked at the Experimental Station for the Oils and Fats Industry in Milan as an assistant lecturer.
In 1963, he won a Fulbright travel grant to the United States, where he worked at Baylor University's Lipid Centre in Huston, Texas, conducting research under Professor E. Horning.
The following year, in 1964, he returned to Huston as Visiting Assistant Professor in the Biochemistry Department. He moved to Bologna as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Agricultural Industries, where he was awarded a professorship in Technology of Oils, Fats and Derivatives and, later, in Agricultural Industries.
After winning the professorship competition, he held the chair of Technology of Oils, Fats and Derivatives at the University of Bologna.
For his research in the field of fats, he received the Fachini Medal, the Chevreul Medal and the Invernizzi Prize
1979 -1981 Enrico Tiscornia
PFull Professor of Food Chemistry at the University of Genoa; freelance lecturer in Bromatological Chemistry at the University of Genoa; founding member and president of the Italian Society of Food Science; president of the Food Chemistry Group of the Italian Chemical Society; academician of the National Olive Tree Academy; president of the Vegetable Oils Subcommittee of the Italian Technical Commission of the Ministry of Productive Activities; member of the Oils and Fats Group of the Italian Committee for the Codex Alimentarius (F. A.O. - O.M.S.) at the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; member of the Subcommittee for the updating of the Official Methods of Analysis of Oils and Fats of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (M.P.A.F.); former national representative of C.N.R. appointment within the Oils and Fats section of IUPAC; former Italian expert in Olive Oil Chemistry at the EC Commission (Brussels); former Italian expert in Olive Oil Chemistry at the International Olive Oil Council of Madrid. In addition, as an official member of governmental commissions and international institutions, he has prepared and participated in a number of collegial experiments at both national and international level, making a decisive contribution to the presentation and approval of 'official methods of analysis', as well as to the drafting of national, EU and international standards on the analytical characteristics of authenticity, quality and typicality of edible oils and fats.On 28 October 2010, the Italian Society for the Study of Fatty Substances awarded the prestigious Fachini Prize
1986 – 1992 Enzo Fedeli
He graduated in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Milan, where he taught the course of machine design of chemical plants for two years, while continuing his research on natural products. Later, also at the University of Milan, he taught Technology of Oils, Fats and Derivatives at the Faculty of Agriculture. He was also a visiting professor at the Universities of Minnesota, Massachusetts and USPI in San Paulo, Brazil. He also worked for several years in the pharmaceutical industry as a researcher, dealing with synthesis and research on natural products. In the course of his professional experience, he has progressed through various stages of his research career, becoming chief researcher at the CNR. He also directed, from 1977 to 1994, the Experimental Station for the Oils and Fats Industries in Milan, where he had been employed in 1960, and was also chairman of the board of directors of this institution. He was also later director of the Experimental Centre of the Provincial Agricultural Institute of San Michele all'Adige. He was also secretary of the Italian Society for the Study of Fatty Substances and was twice chairman of the Scientific Committee of the International Olive Oil Council. He was editor of the Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse e derivati industriali, published by the Stazione Sperimentale per le Industrie degli Olii e dei Grassi in Milan Enzo Fedeli was awarded the Workshop Centre Award and the 'Medaille Chevreul' of the French Association for the Study of Fatty Substances
2003 -2007 Tonino Zelinotti
Tonino Zelinotti laureato in Chimica, era una personalità di spicco nel mondo dell’olio di oliva. Dirigente Chimico presso il Laboratorio delle Dogane di Roma e del Lazio, aveva iniziato la sua carriera presso l’Ufficio di Milano, occupandosi di denaturanti, si era poi dedicato principalmente al settore olio di oliva, era stato tra i chimici italiani chiamati a Bruxelles per redigere il Reg 2568/91, pietra miliare per la regolamentazione degli oli d’oliva, che oltre a avere standardizzato parametri analitici, metodi e limiti, aveva introdotto il panel test.
Tonino Zelinotti graduated in Chemistry and was a prominent personality in the olive oil world. A chemist at the Customs Laboratory in Rome and Lazio, he had begun his career at the Milan office, dealing with denaturants, and had then devoted himself mainly to the olive oil sector. He was among the Italian chemists called to Brussels to draft Reg 2568/91, a milestone in the regulation of olive oils, which not only standardised analytical parameters, methods and limits, but also introduced the panel test.
He had subsequently been a member until his retirement of the EU-DG VI's Olive Oil Chemical Experts Group, the Italian Government Technical Commission for Oils and Fats, the Sub commission for the Updating of Methods of Analysis of Edible Oils and Fats of the MIPAAF, as well as the Chemical Experts Group and the Sensory Analysis Experts Group of the IOOC. Zelinotti, who was also a great expert in sensory analysis, had actively contributed to the dissemination and practice of sensory analysis of extra virgin olive oils on a national and international level, also in relation to the development of the revised form by the COI and later adopted by the EEC, which by using an unstructured scale, made it possible to overcome some of the objective limitations of the one previously in use. He had also been involved in developing the COI method for the sensory evaluation of PDO oils and had lectured in countless courses for tasters in Italy and abroad. His activities had also ranged from actively collaborating with many events that promote the culture of extra virgin olive oil based on organoleptic characteristics, such as Ercole Oleario, Biol, etc.
2010 – nowadays Lanfranco Conte
Lanfranco Conte iniziò la propria carriera scientifica nel 1973, come tecnico di laboratorio presso l’Università di Bologna, all’interno del gruppo di ricerca di chimica dei lipidi, sotto la guida del prof. P. Capella e collaborando con il prof. G.Lercker; nel 1982 passò nei ruoli degli Analisti del Servizio Vigilanza e Repressione delle Frodi Agro Alimentari (oggi ICQRF) del Ministero dell’Agricoltura e delle Foreste, nel 1992 prese servizio come professore associato di Chimica degli Alimenti presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine, ove nel 1994 divenne Professore Ordinario della stessa materia; sempre presso l’Università di Udine, nei trienni 2000 – 2003 e 2012-2015, è stato direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, infine nel 2018 L. Conte andò in quiescenza.
Oltre alle attività accademiche, L.Conte è stato Coordinatore e più tardi membro del Gruppo Esperti Chimici della Commissione europea dal 1993 al 2022, nel contempo è stato membro del Gruppo di Chimica Oleicola del Consiglio Oleicolo Internazionale (COI), nell’ambito del COI, L. Conte è stato membro del Comitato tecnico ristretto per il riconoscimento dei laboratori, del Gruppo per la valutazione dei metodi analitici e del gruppo dedicato alla composizione degli oli d’oliva in funzione della varietà<
L. Conte è stato membro di un gruppo di lavoro EFSA sui “Previous cargoes” (2011-2012), della Commissione Tecnica Governativa Italiana per gli oli ed i grassi, della Commissione per l’aggiornamento dei metodi di analisi del Ministero dell’Agricoltura e delle Foreste e del gruppo UNI/ISO TC34/sc11.
Nell’ambito delle associazioni scientifiche, L.Conte è membro del “managing board” di Euro Fed Lipid, socio della Società Chimica Italiana – SCI (delegato italiano ad EUCHEMS Divisione di Chimica degli Alimenti 2012-2015) e coordinatore del Gruppo Inter divisionale del Gruppo di Chimica degli Alimenti; è Accademico Ordinario dell’Accademia Nazionale dell’Olivo e dell’Olio e dell’Accademia dei Georgofili.
L. Conte è socio della Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse, di cui è stato Presidente dal 2010 ad oggi.
L. Conte ha ricevuto la medaglia Chevreul della Societè Francaise pour l’Etude des Lipides nel 2019 e nel 2022 con la medaglia Giovanni Dugo dal Gruppo Inter divisionale di Scienza delle Separazioni della SCI.
L. Conte è autore di circa 200 pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste “peer reviewed”, di 4 capitoli di libri e di 2 libri, inoltre è stato membro del comitato scientifico di numerosi congressi nazionali ed internazionali.
Nel 2023, WOS attribuisce a L. Conte un valore di h-index pari a 43